Code of Conduct
Everything subject to change
Don't be a [jerk]
General Guidelines
Dolt Scouts isn't about bossing people around. There is an overall feeling of what we hope for it to grow into, but what Dolt Scouts becomes is up to you.
We don't endorse anything illegal. Many activities require you to take appropriate safety precautions, so please do so! Some activities are not for children- when appropriate there can be suggested alternatives, but for some you just gotta wait - sorry!
- Keep it positive
- Try to be helpful when you can
- Your enjoyment should hopefully not be at the expense of others
- Remember, we're all in this together
- Get WEIRD sometimes. Get serious some times. Or not. Whatever.
- Troop Leaders are there to help. They are not your boss, you're A Dolt now. "Leaders" are for guidance and to help with organization when required. Leadership in the Dolt Scouts doesn't involve any power.
- Enjoy learning new skills. Try to actually use them now and then, not just a couple times to get the badge.
- Try to push yourself a little and grow. Not enough to do anything seriously risky, but just a little out of your comfort zone.
- COLLECT THOSE BADGES! Be proud of your accomplishments. (Despite how some people act, there is a difference between pride and vanity)
- Don't focus too much on all this - go do something!
- Above all, HAVE FUN! Or don't. You know, no pressure.
This section is if you are struggling or want more guidance. If everything is going well for you and your troop don't even worry about reading it.
- Stay hydrated
- Unless they are already in a very open mindset, people tend not to want unsolicited advice. Don't force it. (Oops..)
- If people are arguing (online or in person), you don't need to step in. You can walk away. It's ok to let others be "wrong".
- Use sunscreen
- Lead by example
- Try to notice if your language is negative or positive - that is, adding to or taking away from (not good or bad). It's preferable to encourage someone to do something good than to NOT do something. Obviously, this doesn't work all the time - see Rule #1