What's a Badge?
The purpose of a Dolt Scout badge is to recognize when a scout acquires a new skill, experience or knowledge in a particular field. These can range from the practical, such as fixing a flat bike tire, to the absurd, like shouting the lyrics to Every Breath You Take by the Police in front of a grocery store. The key to earning the badge is that the scout experiences personal growth in the process.
Not only will a scout collect badges, but they are expected to create badges from time to time using their own personal store of knowledge and experience.
Earning Badges
Strictly speaking, earning a badge is as simple as following the steps. However, we encourage scouts to earn badges together, collabore where possible, and award in a ceremony to follow. We also encourage troops to use meetings, events and get-togethers as badge-earning opportunities, or schedule time for the more involved badges.
What can a badge be?
A Dolt Scout badge is about representing your achievement. Each badge comes with an image, and how you use it is up to you and your troop:
- Patch
- Button
- Badge (like with the safety pin)
- Sticker
- Name of the badge written in Sharpie on cloth
- Whatever
Displaying your Badges
Your collection of badges can be displayed in any way you want. Either way, try to bring your badges (and any other sweet Dolt Scouts gear) to meetings and get-togethers.
- Traditional: vest or shirt, sash
- Fashionable: headband, banner or standard, bowl hat
- Questionable: underwear, passenger seat, a fruitcake
Making new Badges
All Dolt Scout badges are created by other Dolt Scouts. To make badges you and other scouts can earn, you must first earn your own Badgemaking badge. In the process of earning this badge, you'll be making your first badge!